A large helping of Guns, follows by a sprinkling of other interesting stuff
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Ruger 180
It's hard for me to fathom that if you would have asked me just one short year ago, I would say, "I'm not really a Ruger guy." I did own a Ruger 10/22 that my dad gave me, but that was it. Then I bought the LCP when it came out. I was really impressed. Then by happenstance my wife bought me a book, "Ruger and His Guns." Ruger has an interesting story -- I was fascinated. Then I started to crave a Mark I, II, or III. So I bought a Mark III. By then I was hooked on Ruger. Now last week I just bought a GP161. Now I'm a huge fan of Ruger. Just last week, after I bought the new .357, I was thinking, "I would really like to get something more in 9mm, I only have a Beretta in 9mm. Hmmm...look at that SR9, that looks nice." Low and behold, the next day, viola, look what Ruger has done now...the LC9. I have to give Ruger a lot of credit, they have truly become innovators in the last couple of years. The SR-556, then the LCP and LCR They weren't the first with a micro-compact .380 on the market, but theirs was the best (and well marketed) when it came out and it's because of them that this market has taken off. I can guarantee you that within the year, everyone and their brother will have a single stack 9mm on the market. And always, Ruger will have the best price (I was surprised at the low MSRP for the LC9). Sig will be charging $900 for a similar gun that is "better." Keep an eye out in coming weeks for a in depth review on my Youtube Channel: 762x51n8o.
What are your thoughts on Ruger, and do you have a favorite model?
Love my Rugers. I have a Mark III, which is my main practice/range pistol. I also own a P95 and an SR9, which are both excellent 9mm weapons. I bought my wife an LCP for carry, but she didn't like it and it ended up in my collection. She ended up with a Kel Tec P32 for carry and a Walther PK380, both of which are easier on her small/thin hands.
For sheer shooting pleasure, I give the nod to the SR9.
Love my Rugers. I have a Mark III, which is my main practice/range pistol. I also own a P95 and an SR9, which are both excellent 9mm weapons. I bought my wife an LCP for carry, but she didn't like it and it ended up in my collection. She ended up with a Kel Tec P32 for carry and a Walther PK380, both of which are easier on her small/thin hands.
ReplyDeleteFor sheer shooting pleasure, I give the nod to the SR9.