I took that rifle hunting many times and carried it proudly. I would like to say many a squirrel fell to that rifle, but I lacked the patience to be a good squirrel hunter, and the rifle's accuracy far surpassed my hunting abilities.
In 1990 I left for the Marine Corps, and my thoughts returned to that old rifle several times. However, when home on leave I never was home during hunting season, and I never shot the rifle. When you're used to shooting M16A2s with 3-round burst, and M249 SAWs, M60s, Mk19s, M2 .50 Cals, etc, you don't know how to appreciate a rifle like the 42MB.
Fast forward to 2009, and my old man, age 79 decides to give me his rifle, since he can't really shoot it anymore, and hadn't shot it in over a decade. I can't even tell you how it felt to have that old war horse in my hands again. And now by a man who could appreciate the rifle, not he teenager who held it before. It hadn't been cleaned probably since I left for the Marines, so it needed some work. And some of the worn parts needed replaced. So I stripped it apart, replaced some worn/broken parts, thanks again to Gun Parts, Corp, which is now apparently using Numrich in its name again. So I got her cleaned up, fixed up and took her to the range. That stubborn old magazine still didn't work well. So I looked in the catalog again, and saw there were two models of magazines made, depending on the date of the rifle. So, I forked over $40 (ugghhh) and got the proper one, and feeds like a champ now. The neat thing about it, you can shoot .22 LR, .22 L, and even .22 Short out of it.
I enjoy shooting it. Now that I've had formal marksmanship training, that thing will shoot a zit off a fly's arse at 100 yards. I've always had an appreciation for peep sights -- I think all kids should learn to shoot on a peep before they get a scope.
Anyway, that's a little trip down memory lane, and if you don't have a Mossberg 42MB, look one up, it shoots great. The last I looked, in 2009, you could get one pretty cheap, for under $150. And, being a military surplus gun, you can find tons of parts for it.
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