The ammo I ordered from Aim Surplus came today. Commie stuff. Have I ever told you how much I love getting new ammunition?
This is the primary reason I ordered ammo, the 7.62 Nagant. The revolver cost me $79. Ammo for it around here is hard to find, and when you do, they want $50 per box. I can't see paying almost as much for a box as I did for the gun. Aim Surplus has it for $22 per box.
This stuff here sells for $20-25 per box around here. That's crazy. You can get a surplus can of 1000 rounds for around $80. Of course, that's corrosive stuff, but you get my point. Aim had this for $16 per box.
Last is a couple of different types of 9x18 Makarov ammo. Once again, the stuff around here is $20-25 per box. I got this for $9 for the FJM and $11 for the Hollow Point. The stuff around here is nice brass case stuff. I don't need that -- it's a Makarov -- the steel case will do just fine. That's what it's designed for.
The HP stuff:

Take a look at this pic, tell me what you notice:
To me, Russian ammo is so interesting (and we've already established that I'm a gun geek). Actually, their whole mentality towards manufacturing is interesting to me, and ammo/guns is just a microcosm of their whole manufacturing industry. Their stuff is manufactured so crudely, yet it works. The ammo on the left is manufactured by BarnauL, and is their Silver Bear line of ammo. You see how NOT-uniform their Hollow Points are? And this wasn't handpicked as the worse, these were random rounds pulled from the box -- there were worse in their than this. The lead is smeared on some, the copper malformed on others. The stuff on the right is Hornady .380 ammo. It's almost perfect.
As I said, yes, I do realize I am a nerd.
BTW, check out
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